Masks / face coverings update

Published on 26th July 2020 in Uncategorized


The CHO issued a new directive commencing Thursday 23 July 2020.

Masks or face coverings must be worn when outside your home. This includes to and from the car, the golf course and around the Pro Shop. 

Home made masks or bandana type coverings will suffice – refer to Google for a pattern to make your own, and the 

Avoid touching the front of the mask esp. when taking it off, and when worn, ensure it covers both mouth and nose, and wash you hands before putting it on, and after taking it off.

Refer to the DHHS page for full information.

DHHS FAQs for Masks and Face Coverings


Stay healthy, stay 1.5m, stay safe.



Stuart Thompson

President YGC 


p.s. No “Bunnings Karens” or conspiracy theorists will be entertained!


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