New (and more) booking times coming

Published on 4th May 2022 in Uncategorized


In response to the increased demand for the ‘early’ tee times Yarrambat Park Golf Course, in consultation with the YGC Committee, will be trialling a two-tee start commencing Monday 16th May 2022.

The trial will include both Wednesday and Saturday as we assess the overall impact of this initiative. Mondays will also be included initially, but this may be subject to change as the impact on the ground staff’s post weekend maintenance activities is assessed.

Bookings will be available across a 2 hour block, at 10 minute intervals, on both tees.

1st tee   07:20am to 09:20am

10th tee 07:20am to 09:20am 

  • These changes means that there are additional positions available – 104 spots on each day. 
  • This change will also aid pace of play, as there is 2 hours and 10 minutes allocated for each 9 holes.
  • Note that you won’t be able to “race around” in 1 1/2 hours as you will stop at the tail of the next field – you will not have “right of way” to play through those on the opposing 9.
  • This will also allow all players time to rake the bunkers and repair their pitch marks and divots.

This will significantly affect those Belgravia and green fee players who played 9 holes from the 10th tee on these days, and conversations are currently being held with those players regarding this change.  However, this change demonstrates that Course management are prepared to prioritise YGC members for these days to increase availability of times. There may be an impact upon those who preferred a later tee time, and those who are affected are asked to email the YGC Secretary.

At this time it is only a trial,  and a holistic assessment will be undertaken in due course.

As was agreed to in 2017, the YPLGC will continue to have a small allocation of 8 -12 players (generally) on the 1st Monday of each month – under the new booking system these times will be allocated at 9:00, 9:10 & 9:20 from the 10th tee.




YGC President

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