A very quick survey of 18 hole options

Published on 23rd July 2020 in Uncategorized


If possible could you take a few moments to click on the link and complete the survey: it is designed to capture a ‘snapshot’ of member preferences during the current COVID-19 pandemic and will only be open for a short time.

18 Hole Golf – Options Survey


Please be mindful that we are a public course, and share our tenancy with the public and Belgravia (non-Club) members. We don’t pay the fees of a private Course, nor do we have the same member base as a private Course, and green fees are essential for the Course to continue to operate be improved.

Please wear your masks/face coverings at all times, and if you feel unwell – stay home – a number of courses have already experienced exposure and have closed, even if (for now) temporarily.


regards, and stay safe!

Stuart Thompson

President YGC


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