Knowing your basic winter rules and how and when to apply them

Published on 22nd June 2020 in Uncategorized



Now we have entered winter we can expect days of drizzle, rain and frost. The Course has experienced some recent rain, and as such there are some plugged balls, for which relief is available in the general area and areas of “temporary water” which is an abnormal course condition

Please note: bare patches, buggy tracks, golf cart wheel marks are not abnormal course conditions. 

If you are up to speed with the 2019 Rules of Golf (and there are only 20 key rules to know), and how and when they apply, you can often use these rules to your advantage – but be careful – if you apply them incorrectly, they can cost you a fistful of strokes.

Here are a couple of relevant rules to brush up on..

Rule 16.1b

Rule 16.3a (does not include bunkers and penalty areas)

Rule 16.3b

Regards, and be happy just to be golfing in this crazy world,

YGC Committee

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