Around the Greens

Published on 17th October 2019 in Uncategorized


As mentioned at the AGM we were looking to appoint an honorary welfare officer – wholly independent of the Committee – to act as a contact point or conduit for information for members who may be injured or unwell; so that they didn’t lose touch with their fellow golfers and mates around the course.

These updates will be posted under the heading “Around the Greens”

Ian Witham first raised the idea a few months back and generously volunteered to act as the inaugural welfare officer (thank you Witho!)- so if anyone has any news or information they wish to share about themselves, or someone that hasn’t been seen “around the greens” for a while; have a chat, drop a line or give Ian a call and he can pass on the relevant information or updates as members so desire.


On that note, for those that are unaware, Ken Crompton advised the Club recently that Ian Sayer has been experiencing back issues and had headed to Tassie in July for an operation and recuperation.

Witho has been in touch with Ian recently and advises that he is recovering well from spinal fusion and is happy to take calls from his friends onĀ 0409386269.

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