Saturday 22 June – Play it as it lies

Published on 21st June 2019 in Uncategorized

After an assessment of the Course the Match Committee have concluded that the fairways, fringes and green are in good condition and that: Play it as it lies should apply.

Casual water in the general area – abnormal ground conditions – relief applies.

Rule 16(1)

If your ball is in the general area and there is interference by an abnormal course condition on the course, you may take free relief by dropping the original ball or another ball. Nearest point of relief, no nearer the hole, within one club length.


Rule 16 (1)(b)
Entire Bunker filled with Casual Water

Q. What are a player’s options if an entire bunker is filled with casual water?

A. Under Rule 16-1b, without penalty, the player may drop the ball in the bunker at a point that provides maximum available relief (i.e., in 1 inch of water rather than 5 inches). Or, under penalty of one stroke, the player may drop the ball outside the bunker keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and where the ball is dropped, with no limit on how far behind the bunker the ball may be dropped.




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